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Does NolaPro allow multiple simultaneous users?


Each user account can only have one active session running at a time, but there is no limit to the number of users. When a person is logged into an account, and another person logs into the same account, the second person will receive a message letting them know that someone is already logged into the account.

If you have multiple companies, the same user account can be logged into more than one company at one time, but only once per company. This means if you have two companies, ABC Shop and XYZ Store, and a user account called jsmith, jsmith can be logged into ABC Shop on one person's computer and simultaneously logged into XYZ Store on a different computer. The jsmith user account can't be logged in twice to a single company, ABC Shop, though.

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Article ID: 130
Category: Admin
Date added: 2010-09-14 09:06:56
Views: 329
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (33)

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