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Does NolaPro have role-based security?


Yes. You can manage role-based security through the Advanced User Rights add-on.

The Advanced User Rights add-on allows you to create user rights groups and then assign NolaPro users to these groups. You can grant page-specific access to anything in the NolaPro menu. Users will inherit the access rights of their group, but can also be given additional pages or have some taken away. This tool allows you to pull things off of any user's menu to narrow their interface down to just the modules that they need inside the system. 

Create user groups by going to Admin -> System -> Advanced User Rights.

If you have multiple companies, you can allow the rights group to apply to all companies by checking the All Companies checkbox.

Use the options in the Quick Select section to automatically turn on or off rights in the sections below. Click Save when done.

You can assign users to groups by going to Admin -> System -> Users, selecting a user, and then clicking the link Edit Advanced User Rights next to the Rights Group label. You can select a User Rights Group for the user, or begin selecting parts of the system you want to give access to for this user. If you select a group, you can then mark additional areas that the person has access to that the group doesn't, and also remove access from sections the group otherwise has access to. Click Save when done.

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Article details
Article ID: 131
Category: Admin
Date added: 2010-09-14 09:07:23
Views: 793
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (89)

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