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Custom Code Hooks

Solution What are these?

# Custom code hooks are specialized functions which provide the ability to have your own custom PHP code executed inside of NolaPro when users perform various actions in the system.

How do they work?

# You can simply write a function that you want to perform some additional task and then assign it to a predefined hook (also called an event or trigger point). When the hook is reached in NolaPro it will call the function(s) that you registered with the event. A trigger point might be when a customer record is modified, an order added, or payroll hours entered.

What are some example of their uses?

# If you want to create your own invoice or order PDF format, you can have it pop up in a new window whenever an order or invoice is added or updated.

# You could create your own event tracking and reporting system to monitor activity in NolaPro (we do provide this exact functionality as a separate add-on, but you may wish to expand or modify).

# If you use a 3rd party HR/Payroll system like iEmployee for example, you could write code to update that system when NolaPro payroll changes are made.

# You could integrate with a separate shopping cart system and use the triggers to let that system know when new inventory arrives from NolaPro POs so quantities can be updated. It could also notify when new items are added to NolaPro.

# You could use it to update a separate lead tracking system that needs to know when customer address/phone info is changed in NolaPro, or when new orders or invoices have been created, or payments made.

# You could add code so that a manager can receive copies of emails whenever the mass emailer in NolaPro is used.

# You could also add additional custom email notifiers that go out to managers whenever someone deletes a payment, invoice, or check.

****Custom Code Hooks won't allow you to alter the layout of pages. They allow you to run your own code when an event happens in NolaPro like when a new record is added or updated.

***Typically when a code hook is needed for a hosted site our developers write it. If the user wants to write something themselves our developers will need to go through the code thoroughly before it can be put live (small fee applies).

***Hosted people are not able to put their own code hooks live. Our developers have to put the code live.
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Article details
Article ID: 370
Category: Add-Ons and Support
Date added: 2011-04-29 10:31:33
Views: 608
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (36)

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