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Inventory Cost for Orders

Solution 1) If there isn't a cost assigned in inventory NolaPro will use the one entered, otherwise it changes to the one stored.

2) If there are inventory costs for that item then that cost overrides at shipment. The reason is that in the time the order was written to when it is actually shipped the inventory cost for any particular item might have changed if new stock was brought in, or other stock was shipped out. GL wise if you allow an overridden cost it may take more out of inventory than actually went in, or may not take out as much as it should have based on the price you paid for the item. This is why this part is done automatically.
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Article details
Article ID: 383
Category: Inventory
Date added: 2011-06-24 10:52:10
Views: 609
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (36)

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