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Item Discounts


There are a few ways to sell inventory items at a discount or different price point.

1. Price Levels

Admin -> Inventory -> Price Levels

When these have been created you can go to the Edit Item screen in Inventory and select Add/Edit Pricing & Location at the bottom of the page to enter your prices.

2. Customer Item Discounts

Admin -> Inventory -> Customer Item Discounts

Another option is our Customer Item Discounts add-on. Once activated, go to Admin -> Inventory -> Customer Item Discounts to set a discount per item and customer.

3. Customer Groups

Admin -> Billing -> Customer Groups

Customer Groups are similar to Price Levels except you can set pricing for specific items instead of all items.

After the groups are created you will need to assign the customers you want to have this discount in Income -> Customers, select a customer to edit.

Finally you will need to set the discount price for the inventory items since you want the discount to apply to each item. Go to Inventory -> Items, and select an item to edit.

At the top of the page, click Add/Edit Pricing & Location. If you have multiple inventory locations select the desired location and click Edit. In the Pricing section you should see a field for the Customer Group you created where the Sell Price can be set.

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Article details
Article ID: 62
Category: Inventory
Date added: 2010-03-22 16:56:35
Views: 1073
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (36)

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